New JB children’s book site up at last

For several years I have intended to update my tired old children’s book site at, and a week or so ago finally bought a copy of Serif Webplus X5. Serif produce cheap and easy-to-use software and if you buy the edition before the current one, it will not break the bank. However, it very nearly did break me, owing to the fact at the age of 58 I still have the enthusiasm of a six-year-old, an enthusiasm not matched by equivalent energy and health. Nevertheless I started work every morning when I woke up and stopped when my hands would no longer move. In consequence I now have a blood glucose level about three times what it ought to be but a finished site!

There are still one or two problems with the site on some servers and I am impatiently waiting for to point to it, but for now it can be viewed at I would be immensely grateful for feedback.